Вот это да! — подумала Алиса. — Кот с улыбкой — и то редкость, но уж улыбка без кота — это я прямо не знаю что такое!


Рыцарь Дракон
PTS: Firesong - 132.4k DPS

What's new?
Firesong didn't give anything new to Dragonknight except for a couple of fixes that allowed me to get a better result.
Race: Dunmer, 64 points in stam
Food: any 6k stam green food
Potions: Essence of Heroism (with regen of both resources)
How to parse?
1. Prebuff (w/o LAs): igneous weapons - х3 flames of oblivion - scalding rune - barbed trap.
2. Opening: stampede - molten whip - venomous claw -  eruption - noxious breath - carve - degeneration - stardard of the might.
3. Skill priorities: carve - noxious breath to maintain seething fury stacks - stampede - degeneration - standard of the might - flames of oblivion - barbed trap - venomous claw - eruption - noxious breath.

Inquisitor Mordrak

MirrorLand Community©  2025

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